...to Vanilla Fries, Taina's third weblog. This site is best viewed using Internet Explorer 5 or above with 1024x768 resolution. Help this site be browser-friendly, send some feedback. ♥


Taina is your typical, introverted 17-year old born under the star of Taurus. She's the shy-and-quiet type who, when online, turns into her evil and sarcastic alter-ego, Yuki. From her biased point of view, she considers herself as a rabid yaoi fangirl, a budding writer, a frustrated artist, an idealistic realist, and a lost soul creating her place in the world.


Among other things, she enjoys reading, psychologizing people, writing, web designing, drawing, watching anime, conversing, eating, a bit of debating, walking, traveling, sleeping and drowning herself in music. At the moment, she is trying to fall deeply and wholly in love with the Lord.


In her own little way, she is constantly making steps to achieve her goal of world domination, (cliché as it may sound) hauling the Philippines from its third-world status through the revival of its own culture.


[obsessions <3] Yaoi, bishie guys that have tragic pasts and dark secrets... my bishounen, chocolate, anime, computers, Photoshop, books, the web, and God.

[dreams to be] a J-pop singer / psychologist / mangaka / web designer / writer ...in the somewhat near future


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[DeviantArt] [FictionPress]



...is a never-ending story. It came from the shortened version of French fries and vanilla ice cream. Why, you ask? Because the two go better together than with ketchup. And because the author had no imagination, and was eating said finger food smothered in aforementioned dessert when she was thinking up of a blog name. Ta-da! XD



Version one features the fanservice-y Host Club from the manga/anime Ouran High School Host Club by Bisco Hatori. Blue and yellow abound in an attempt to create a summery feel. Image came from Sakura Dance, texture from Karmakaze Designs and brushes from Imprints. Created using Adobe Photoshop, coded with Microsoft Frontpage.



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CarlaAte ChiquiJamesJoshuaMichanMaye Miguel



I want a HS reunion. NOW.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007



listening to: Osaka Lover - DREAMS COME TRUE
mood: nostalgic

They say that a high school reunion is only done after 10 years or so. But I don't care; I want a high school reunion now! ;____;

I was getting my application form for the UST special entrance examination filled out by the school registrar when I decided to check out the campus (to go emo while reminiscing and stuff) and stumbled upon Jesse. He was in charge of the YECS corner while all the repainting and refurbishing was going around. Since the queue at the registrar was a bit long, we chatted for a while.

I learned that he wasn't going to study as UST anymore, since he really wanted to take up Nursing, but was enrolled in Biology. D: Also Kenneth. I dunno why. I feel sad and alone.

After our chat, I finally got around to accomplishing my forms. Jesse waited for me, and for some reason we decided to pay a surprise visit to Kenneth (who lived like, just beside the school).

Ken was surprised to see me =P. We chatted, and watched tv, and talked and ate. After that we went to James'. XD (Who, according to Jerome and Reginald, had a mini sari-sari store already, so he wouldn't go to college anymore, since his entrpreneurial dreams had been realized fulfilled.)

We saw Tope and Darwin on the way. I presume they came from Bernadette's house.

We chatted yet again. My supposedly 2-hours stay at school stretched into 5 hours. Fwee. I proposed the idea of having a school reunion before classes start. After all, our Farewell Party sucked and we didn't even have a decent Closing party. (Which would have been probably loads better than the former.)

They agreed. ♥ And we all went home around 7pm-ish.

I miss all my Journ classmates. ;_; Especially Missy. ♥

Onto another topic, I still don't know what to take up in college. I'm having second thoughts about dropping my slot in UP, but then I dunno what course to take up in UP. If I pass the USTET, should I take Fine Arts there? Is that really practical? Or should I just consider a computer-related course, which will surely provide me more job opportunities?

Can someone recommend a course in UP? Something preferably not-so-math-related?

God help me. >___<

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