...to Vanilla Fries, Taina's third weblog. This site is best viewed using Internet Explorer 5 or above with 1024x768 resolution. Help this site be browser-friendly, send some feedback. ♥


Taina is your typical, introverted 17-year old born under the star of Taurus. She's the shy-and-quiet type who, when online, turns into her evil and sarcastic alter-ego, Yuki. From her biased point of view, she considers herself as a rabid yaoi fangirl, a budding writer, a frustrated artist, an idealistic realist, and a lost soul creating her place in the world.


Among other things, she enjoys reading, psychologizing people, writing, web designing, drawing, watching anime, conversing, eating, a bit of debating, walking, traveling, sleeping and drowning herself in music. At the moment, she is trying to fall deeply and wholly in love with the Lord.


In her own little way, she is constantly making steps to achieve her goal of world domination, (cliché as it may sound) hauling the Philippines from its third-world status through the revival of its own culture.


[obsessions <3] Yaoi, bishie guys that have tragic pasts and dark secrets... my bishounen, chocolate, anime, computers, Photoshop, books, the web, and God.

[dreams to be] a J-pop singer / psychologist / mangaka / web designer / writer ...in the somewhat near future


[E-mail] [Friendster] [FF.net]

[DeviantArt] [FictionPress]



...is a never-ending story. It came from the shortened version of French fries and vanilla ice cream. Why, you ask? Because the two go better together than with ketchup. And because the author had no imagination, and was eating said finger food smothered in aforementioned dessert when she was thinking up of a blog name. Ta-da! XD



Version one features the fanservice-y Host Club from the manga/anime Ouran High School Host Club by Bisco Hatori. Blue and yellow abound in an attempt to create a summery feel. Image came from Sakura Dance, texture from Karmakaze Designs and brushes from Imprints. Created using Adobe Photoshop, coded with Microsoft Frontpage.



AnimeBooks ☆  Crack FangirlingLife Literally speaking MemoriesMusic Opinions School Sitely  ☆ Taglish Quizzes



CarlaAte ChiquiJamesJoshuaMichanMaye Miguel



Otanjoobi omedetou, May-neechan!

Sunday, May 6, 2007



listening to: Sakura Kiss - Chieko Kawabe
mood: restless

Happy Birthday to my dearest sister MAY~! ♥

May we stay strong and close as ever in the following years that we will sleep in the same bed. (Wait. That sounded a bit disturbing. Oh well.) I LOVE YOU!

[taglish] Wala akong regalo, kaya blog post na lang yay! [/taglish]

We came home from my lola today. We went there Saturday for a sleepover, like we always did during past summer vacations. Mostly our visits there consist of anime marathons (they have Animax on cable, here at home we don't D: ), talk, and rich, comfort food that can only be cooked by someone filled with so much love. So we have to limit our stay there, lest we want to get fat. XD

The supposedly "one-day" celebration thing for May and me was chucked out of the window. When we arrived home, mom was cooking a simple handa for May's birthday. Nothing grand, the only people around to celebrate with her were the family and Louise (her [bf]f), after all. Lunch was rather uneventful.

Everything went downhill after that.

I'm not exactly sure how it started (of course I do. I'm just consciously trying to forget it), but when dad left for work, mom started crying, and the next thing I knew, eveyone was crying as well. Even Lousie was dragged into our mini drama fest, but I suppose he enjoyed comforting May.

Maybe because we were all laughing hysterically the day before. So is there some truth that when you laugh all day today, you'll cry all day tomorrow? Is this some kind of rule of nature? Or just to balance things? The yin-yang thing?

Hmmm. I'll just wait if tomorrow will be a better day.



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