...to Vanilla Fries, Taina's third weblog. This site is best viewed using Internet Explorer 5 or above with 1024x768 resolution. Help this site be browser-friendly, send some feedback. ♥


Taina is your typical, introverted 17-year old born under the star of Taurus. She's the shy-and-quiet type who, when online, turns into her evil and sarcastic alter-ego, Yuki. From her biased point of view, she considers herself as a rabid yaoi fangirl, a budding writer, a frustrated artist, an idealistic realist, and a lost soul creating her place in the world.


Among other things, she enjoys reading, psychologizing people, writing, web designing, drawing, watching anime, conversing, eating, a bit of debating, walking, traveling, sleeping and drowning herself in music. At the moment, she is trying to fall deeply and wholly in love with the Lord.


In her own little way, she is constantly making steps to achieve her goal of world domination, (cliché as it may sound) hauling the Philippines from its third-world status through the revival of its own culture.


[obsessions <3] Yaoi, bishie guys that have tragic pasts and dark secrets... my bishounen, chocolate, anime, computers, Photoshop, books, the web, and God.

[dreams to be] a J-pop singer / psychologist / mangaka / web designer / writer ...in the somewhat near future


[E-mail] [Friendster] [FF.net]

[DeviantArt] [FictionPress]



...is a never-ending story. It came from the shortened version of French fries and vanilla ice cream. Why, you ask? Because the two go better together than with ketchup. And because the author had no imagination, and was eating said finger food smothered in aforementioned dessert when she was thinking up of a blog name. Ta-da! XD



Version one features the fanservice-y Host Club from the manga/anime Ouran High School Host Club by Bisco Hatori. Blue and yellow abound in an attempt to create a summery feel. Image came from Sakura Dance, texture from Karmakaze Designs and brushes from Imprints. Created using Adobe Photoshop, coded with Microsoft Frontpage.



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...Until it turns into a pumpkin.

Sunday, May 27, 2007



listening to: Mr. Deja Vu - Naja
mood: contemplative

I never really was a believer in fairy tales.

But that didn't stop me from dreaming. Or wishing. Even if I knew it would all end up in vain. You were a faraway star that shined too brightly--you were unreachable to most. A millimeter to some. Merely a handtouch away from me. But you only came close to those who you really wanted.

You were near and far at the same time. I remained steadfastly hopeful. At the back of my mind I knew it was futile--but my heart was blind.

And then. And then.

And then the unexpected happened. My deepest dreams unraveled, acquired flesh and broke the barrier of reality.


And for a while I remained drunk in those thoughts.

There was a need for words, but after a while they lost their purpose. There were the touches, hands lingering far longer than strictly necessary; the glances, deep and far-gazing, rendering me transparent; the promises, emotions formed into words. The future plans and new sensations. Everything suddenly shined a little brighter, acquired a bit of beauty...

I knew it was ephemeral then.

But the unbidden thought didn't stop me -- you -- us. We were breaking boundaries, going over limits, crossing lines that that would provoke heaven's wrath; we were losing control, snowballing faster, spiralling dangerously lower, accelerating, falling, falling... waiting for the inevitable crash.

As if we were anticipating the crash. Wanting the abrupt downfall.

My carefully intact self was blurring at the edges. I was sharing too much, spreading myself too thin. I was losing myself.

But I loved you. So.


...We crashed, but I was the one crushed. Left. Abandoned.

The fairy tale spin lost its magic.

The illusion was a pumpkin, after all.

Or was it just my deluded mind?

My deluded mind, which fed on wishful thoughts, with the ominous at the horizon, the edges of my peripheral vision, the sensitivity of your emotions.

(Or was it entirely mine?)

My deluded mind, which kept on hoping, praying, wishing, dreaming, pleading with Reality to continue its play, with the knowledge that everything would one day end.

Like a fairy tale ending. Not for the prince. Not for the princess. But for the antagonist.


Still, the heart plays the fool. And I continue.

Anybody who takes the above post seriously will be sent to the wanna-be planet Pluto. :D



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